vrijdag 25 december 2009

''Forever Is Over'' on Top Of The Pops: Christmas Special

Have a great christmas everyone, here's The Sats performing ''Forever Is Over'' on the Christmas Special from Top Of The Pops.
YouTube will either block the video immediately or reject it in hours (Top Of The Pops...), so I've decided to just use Viddler. Enjoy, and credits once again go to snoop for getting it so fast!

woensdag 23 december 2009

Saturdays on Alan Carr Chatty Man

''Ego'' slowly breaking into tiny pieces, Frankie starts it off and to me it sounds silly. Nice cover though, girls! And credits again go to snoop for the video!

YouTube (blocks a few countries):

Viddler (for anyone who can't view the YouTube link):

I've been puzzling this out a bit... As for the GMTV performance, they have Vanessa's first verse, then cut Frankie's second verse to that (instead of Una's bit on the 1st verse) then also cut out Rochelle's pre-chorus and use Mollie's pre-chorus instead (to make it have any sort of sense, or something).
Then this performance is even worse... They've simply left away the full 1st verse!

maandag 21 december 2009

Saturdays on GMTV

They did a medley...

Enjoy! Credits go to snoop for this video.

zondag 20 december 2009

Saturdays on TMi

Sadly Una couldn't be there, she was somewhere else and missed her - probably due to the heavy snow of the last few days - flight back.

Thanks go to The-Saturdays.Co.Uk for the videos, here's a whole bunch!

Xmas Caroling:

Angels 1 & 2:

Ultimate Gameshow in 2 parts:

woensdag 16 december 2009

Saturdays on Blue Peter!

Their first TV performance for ''Ego'' (heavily edited unfortunately - not done that well either), and other bits of them in the show too. Credits for these videos go to snoop. Enjoy!!!


Other bits:

dinsdag 15 december 2009

Saturdays on X Factor

The Saturdays had a chat with host Holly on X Factor last week, it certainly did their second Wordshaker Single ''Ego'' well cause it's only been going up! Credits go to snoop for this video, thanks for capping The Sats!!!

dinsdag 1 december 2009

B-side for Ego Single: ''Flashback''

Nice track! Listen and/or download below, but make sure to download the single once it releases!!!

Download ''Flashback''

T4 Stars Of 2009: THE SATURDAYS!!!

Obviously... The Saturdays performed ''Forever Is Over'' on this liveshow a few hours ago - it seems a bit playbacked here and there but it's a nice performance. What's happened to their hair though?! I thought the colourful capes were really cool.